Advertise on ETechnoG with Sponsored Post and More
Here is some information for you to advertise with us.
Website Niche:
- Engineering Education
- Technology
- Electrical Engineering
- Electronics Engineering
- Industrial Knowledge
- Review of Electrical & Electronic Devices, Products, Gadgets
- Applications, Softwares for electrical and electronics projects, control, operations, drawings, etc.
Why you should advertise with Us?
Branded Blog, Branded Articles, Excellent User Experiences
Latest Traffic Stats: (source: google analytics)
Monthly Visits: 300000+
Monthly Page Views: 500000+
Traffic source: 92% organic, Social media(8%) - Pinterest, Facebook, Reddit,...
Additional Traffic Sources: Google News, Google Discover
Audiences: India(30%), U.S(20%), Other(50%) - U.K, Japan, China,....... more than 100 countries
Feed Subscriber: 250+
Note: Traffic Stats will be updated in every three months
***We Strictly Follow Google's and other Major Search Engines Rules and Guidelines while Publishing Advertising***
Low-Cost for all types of Ad slots:
Display Ad Slots: (Contact us for Price)
- 320*50 Header(occupied)
- 320*50 before post(occupied)
- 320*50 after post
- 320*250 after post
- 320*250 sidebar1(occupied)
- 320*250 sidebar2(occupied)
- In Article
- Custom Size and placement: Contact Us
**We also can create banner AD with Attractive Titles. You just need to provide your website or product URL.**
Other advertisement opportunities:
- Sponsored Posts(contact us for price)
- Insert Link in our existing article (contact us for price)
- Review
Note: We can change our price anytime. But it will not affect to the existing advertisement contracts. The new price will be applied to new contracts only.
Payment Methods:
UPI, NEFT, Paypal for India
Paypal for other countries
Contact us through email - 1.
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Advertise on ETechnoG with Sponsored Post and More
Reviewed by Author
April 18, 2023