BMP280 Pinout Diagram and Connection with Arduino
Hi, in this article, we are going to see the all-in-one Temperature, Pressure, and Altitude Measurement Sensor BMP280 Pinout Diagram. Also, we will see the connection diagram for interfacing the BMP280 with Arduino. The BMP280 is a high-precision, low-power digital pressure and temperature sensor developed by Bosch Sensortec. It is commonly used in IoT, weather stations, drones, and altitude-measuring projects. It typically operates with 1.71 to 3.6 Volts. It supports I2C and SPI communication protocols.
The BMP280 sensor basically works in micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) technology to measure pressure and temperature. It uses a piezo-resistive sensor element to measure atmospheric pressure. The sensor element contains a diaphragm that flexes in response to pressure changes. Tiny resistors embedded in the diaphragm change their resistance based on the amount of flex (due to pressure). The sensor measures this change in resistance, converts it into an electrical signal, and calculates the absolute pressure in pascals (Pa).
The BMP280 sensor has a built-in temperature sensor which is used to measure the ambient temperature. This temperature reading is also used to compensate for temperature-related errors in the pressure measurement.
Altitude is calculated using the pressure data, based on the barometric formula. Since atmospheric pressure decreases with an increase in altitude, the BMP280 can estimate altitude by comparing the measured pressure to a reference sea-level pressure.
BMP280 Pinout Diagram
Here, you can see the BMP280 Pinout Diagram.
The BMP280 has a total of six pins which have the following functions,
VIN(Pin 1): It is the Power supply or VCC pin (3.3V or 5V, depending on the breakout board).
GND(pin 2): It is the Ground Pin for the Ground connection.
SCL(Pin 3): It is the Clock line for I2C or SPI communications.
SDA(Pin 4): It is the Data line pin for I2C (or MOSI for SPI).
CSB(Pin 5): It is the Chip Select for SPI (pulled high for I2C).
SDO(Pin 6): It is the Data output pin for SPI or I2C address selection.
BMP280 Connection with Arduino
Here, you can see the connection diagram for interfacing the BM280 with Arduino Uno.
Connection Description
- As you can see in the above wiring diagram, the VCC pin of the sensor is connected to the 3.3V terminal of the Arduino Module.
- The Ground pin of the sensor is connected to the GND terminal of the Arduino Module.
- The SCL pin of the sensor is connected to the A5 terminal of the Arduino Module.
- The SDA pin of the sensor is connected to the A4 terminal of the Arduino Module.
Working Principle
When a BMP280 sensor is interfaced with an Arduino, the Arduino reads data from the sensor over either the I2C or SPI communication protocol and processes it to display temperature, pressure, and altitude.
The BMP280 sensor first takes the power supply by connecting its VIN (or VCC) and GND pins to the corresponding pins on the Arduino. The I2C (or SPI) pins are connected for data communication. In the code, libraries like the Adafruit BMP280 Library or similar are used to initialize the sensor.
For the I2C Communication Protocol, the sensor uses two lines SDA (data) and SCL (clock). The BMP280 has a default I2C address (typically 0x76 or 0x77) that can be set by wiring the SDO pin high or low. The Arduino sends clock pulses on SCL to sync data transmission and receives data on SDA.
The BMP280 sensor continuously measures raw pressure and temperature values using its MEMS technology. The raw data is stored in the sensor’s registers. The Arduino communicates with the BMP280 to read the sensor's internal registers via I2C or SPI. After receiving the data BMP280 sensor applies calibration data stored in its EEPROM to convert raw values into accurate temperature and pressure measurements. This compensation corrects for errors due to temperature or non-linearities in the sensor's hardware.
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BMP280 Pinout Diagram and Connection with Arduino
Reviewed by Author
December 26, 2024