Motor Driver L293D and L298N Connection with Arduino and Motors

Hi, in this article, we are going to see the connection of Motor Driver L293D and L298N with Arduino for controlling DC Motors and stepper motors. L293D and L298N Motor drivers are essential components for controlling DC motors and stepper motors with an Arduino. These motor drivers act as an interface between the low-power Arduino and higher-power motors, so we can control the motor speed and direction efficiently.

L293D is a 16-pin IC capable of controlling two DC motors or one stepper motor while supporting bidirectional motion. L298N is a dual H-bridge motor driver module that can control up to two DC motors or a single stepper motor, providing a higher current handling capacity than the L293D.
By connecting these motor drivers to an Arduino, we can control the motor speed and direction using the Arduino’s digital pins and a power supply to drive the motors.

Motor Driver L293D Connection Diagram with Arduino for Two Motors Control

Here, in the below wiring diagram, you can see the connection between Motor Driver L293D and Arduino for controlling two DC Motors. This wiring will help you to control two DC motors independently, enabling forward and reverse movement as well as speed control.

Circuit Diagram for Controlling Two Motors using Motor Driver L293D and Arduino

The L293D motor driver allows an Arduino to control two DC motors by providing the necessary current and voltage to the motors while enabling bidirectional control and speed adjustment using Pulse Width Modulation (PWM). Each motor is connected to two input pins (IN1/IN2 for motor A, IN3/IN4 for motor B), which determine the rotation direction, and two enable pins (ENA and ENB) that control speed via PWM signals from the Arduino. By connecting these pins to digital and PWM-enabled Arduino pins, we can control both the direction and speed of two motors independently, making them suitable for applications like robotic vehicles.

Motor Driver L298N Connection Diagram with Arduino for Two Motors Control

Here, in the wiring diagram below, you can see the connection between Motor Driver L298N and Arduino for controlling two DC Motors. Here also, you can control two DC motors independently with forward and reverse movement as well as speed control just the difference is here you can use high-power motors.

Circuit Diagram for Controlling Two Motors using Motor Driver L298N and Arduino

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Motor Driver L298N Connection with Arduino for Two Motors Control using Joystick

Here, in the below wiring diagram, you can see the connection between Motor Driver L298N, Arduino, and Joystick for controlling two DC Motors using the Joystick. A joystick helps for controlling two motors through the L298N motor driver by providing analog input that can be mapped to motor speed and direction. The joystick typically has two axes (X and Y), and these inputs allow for differential control of the motors, making it possible to control the movement of a robotic vehicle or a similar system.

Circuit Diagram for Controlling Two Motors using Joystick with Motor Driver L298N and Arduino

The Joystick is typically connected to the analog pins of the Arduino to read X and Y axis values. As you can see in the above diagram, The X and Y terminals of the Joystick are connected to the A0 and A1 terminals of the Arduino.

We can set this system in such a way that the X-axis controls one motor (or the speed and direction of both motors when used for turning left or right). And the Y-axis controls the other motor (typically for forward and backward movement). By reading the analog values from the joystick, the Arduino can determine how much to speed up or slow down each motor, and in which direction.

Even we can set the system in such a way that the joystick can provide differential steering by controlling both motors independently. If the joystick is moved forward but slightly to the left or right, the motors will spin at different speeds, causing the system to turn. For example, pushing the joystick to the right causes the left motor to spin faster than the right motor, turning the system to the right and moving the joystick to the left makes the right motor spin faster than the left motor, turning the system left.

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Motor Driver L298N Connection with Arduino for Four Motors Control

Here, in the below wiring diagram, you can see the connection between Motor Driver L298N and Arduino for controlling four DC Motors.

Circuit Diagram for Controlling Four Motors using Motor Driver L298N and Arduino

A single L298N motor driver can control four DC motors by connecting two motors in parallel to each of its two motor output channels (for example, OUT1/OUT2 for motor pair A, OUT3/OUT4 for motor pair B). When motors are connected in parallel they will receive the same control signals which means each pair of motors will rotate in the same direction and at the same speed. The Arduino controls the motor pairs via the L298N's input pins (IN1/IN2 and IN3/IN4) for direction and the enable pins (ENA and ENB) for speed using Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) that allow simultaneous control of both motor pairs.

Motor Driver L298N Connection with Arduino for Stepper Motor Control

Here, in the below wiring diagram, you can see the connection between Motor Driver L298N and Arduino for controlling a Stepper Motor.

Circuit Diagram for Controlling Stepper Motor using Motor Driver L298N and Arduino

The L298N motor driver can control a stepper motor with an Arduino by managing the required current and voltage for the motor's phases. A stepper motor has multiple coils and the L298N uses its input pins (IN1, IN2, IN3, IN4) to energize the coils in a sequence to control the motor's direction and step movement. The Arduino sends the step sequence to the L298N and by controlling the rate of the sequence using Pulse Width Modulation (PWM), we can adjust the motor's speed and direction which makes it suitable for precise control applications like robotics or CNC machines.

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Motor Driver L293D and L298N Connection with Arduino and Motors Motor Driver L293D and L298N Connection with Arduino and Motors Reviewed by Author on October 05, 2024 Rating: 5
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