Remote Control Ceiling Fan Wiring Diagram and Connection

Here, in this article, we are going to see the wiring diagram and connection procedure to control a ceiling fan remotely. We also see the wiring diagram for a ceiling fan with inbuilt light. Here, you can see the wiring diagrams for both IEC and NEC standards with their respective color codes. Although it is recommended to follow your country color codes if you have different. In this article, we are going to see the wiring diagram for controlling the ceiling fan with an IR remote through the IR receiver or Smartphone through the Wi-Fi receiver.

Both IR (Infrared) remote control and Wi-Fi control are popular methods for controlling ceiling fans. Here's a brief overview of each method:

IR Remote Control:

IR remote control is a traditional method used to control various devices, including ceiling fans. In this setup, the ceiling fan is equipped with an IR receiver that can interpret signals sent by an IR remote control. The remote control emits infrared signals when you press buttons like power on/off, speed control, and mode settings. The ceiling fan's IR receiver detects these signals and performs the corresponding actions.

Wi-Fi Control with Smartphone:

Wi-Fi control allows you to control your ceiling fan using a smartphone app. In this setup, the ceiling fan is equipped with a Wi-Fi receiver that can be connected to the smartphone through Wifi. Even it can be connected to your home's Wi-Fi network. You use a smartphone app to send commands to the fan over the internet.

Remote Control Ceiling Fan Wiring Diagram and Connection(IEC Standard)

Here, you can see the wiring diagram where the ceiling fan is connected to an IR or Wi-Fi receiver and a Manual On/ Off Switch.

Remote Control Ceiling Fan Wiring Diagram and Connection(IEC Standard)

Connection Procedure

Remember that Ceiling Fan receivers from different manufacturers may have different names for the terminals and may require different connections, so check the user manual provided by the manufacturer. Anyway, here is the connection description as per the above wiring diagram.
  1. The receiver has a total of three terminals, F - Fan, N - Neutral, and P - Phase.
  2. The phase terminal from the power source is connected to an SPST switch.
  3. The output from the SPST switch is connected to the 'P' or Phase terminal of the Receiver.
  4. The neutral terminal of the power source is connected to the 'N' or neutral terminal of the receiver and also the neutral of the ceiling fan.
  5. The 'F' or Fan terminal from the receiver is connected to the phase terminal of the ceiling fan.
  6. The ground connection is provided to the ceiling fan's metallic body.

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Remote Control Ceiling Fan with Inbuilt Light Wiring Diagram (IEC Standard)

Here, you can see the wiring diagram where the ceiling fan with inbuilt light is connected to an IR or Wifi Receiver and a Manual On/ Off Switch.

Remote Control Ceiling Fan with Inbuilt Light Wiring Diagram (IEC Standard)

Connection Procedure

Here also, I want to say that Ceiling Fan receivers from different manufacturers may have different names for the terminals and may require different connections, so check the user manual provided by the manufacturer. Anyway is the connection description as per the above wiring diagram.
  1. Here, the receiver has a total of four terminals, F - Fan, L- Light,  N - Neutral, and P - Phase.
  2. The phase terminal from the power source is connected to an SPST switch.
  3. The output from the SPST switch is connected to the 'P' or Phase terminal of the Receiver.
  4. The neutral terminal of the power source is connected to the 'N' or neutral terminal of the receiver and also the neutral of the ceiling fan.
  5. The 'F' or Fan terminal from the receiver is connected to the phase terminal of the ceiling fan.
  6. The 'L' or Light terminal is connected to the phase terminal of the light and the neutral terminal of the light is already connected to the neutral terminal of the ceiling fan itself.
  7. The ground connection is provided to the ceiling fan body.

Remote Control Ceiling Fan with Inbuilt Light Connection Diagram (NEC Standard)

Here, you can see the connection diagram where the ceiling fan with inbuilt light is connected to an IR or Wifi Receiver and a Manual On/ Off Switch. This wiring diagram follows the NEC standard and following color codes.

Remote Control Ceiling Fan with Inbuilt Light Wiring Diagram and Connection(NEC Standard)

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Remote Control Ceiling Fan Wiring Diagram and Connection Remote Control Ceiling Fan Wiring Diagram and Connection Reviewed by Author on September 25, 2023 Rating: 5
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