Watts to VA and VA to Watts Conversion Calculator
Here, in this conversion calculator, you can convert Watts into VA(Volt-Ampere) and VA into Watts. This is actually Active Power to Apparent Power and Apparent Power to Active Power Converter.
Watts to VA and VA to Watts Calculator
How to Use This Calculator?
To use the "Watts to VA and VA to Watts Calculator," follow these steps:
Step 1: Select the Conversion Direction
Click on one of the two buttons: "Watts to VA" or "VA to Watts." This will determine the direction of the conversion you want to perform.
Step 2: Enter the Input Values
For "Watts to VA" conversion:
Enter the power in watts in the "Enter power in watts" input field.
Enter the power factor (a unitless value) in the "Enter power factor" input field.
For "VA to Watts" conversion:
Enter the apparent power in VA (volt-amperes) in the "Enter apparent power in VA" input field.
Enter the power factor (a unitless value) in the "Enter power factor" input field.
Step 3: Perform the Calculation
Click the "Calculate" button for the respective conversion. This will calculate the result based on the input values and power factor.
Step 4: View the Result
The result of the conversion will be displayed in the output field.
For the "Watts to VA" conversion, the apparent power in VA will be displayed.
For the "VA to Watts" conversion, the real power in watts will be displayed.
Step 5: Reset
If you want to clear the input values and start over, you can click the "Reset" button for the respective conversion.
Here are the formulas used in the above calculator.
Watts to VA Conversion:
Power (VA) = Power (Watts) / Power Factor
VA to Watts Conversion:
Power (Watts) = Power (VA) * Power Factor
Example for Watt to VA Conversion:
Let's say we have a device with a real power consumption of 500 watts (Power = 500 W) and a power factor of 0.8 (Power Factor = 0.8).
To find the apparent power in volt-amperes (VA), we can use the formula:
Power (VA) = 500 W / 0.8 = 625 VA
So, the apparent power of the device is 625 VA.
Example for VA to Watts Conversion:
Suppose we have an electrical load with an apparent power rating of 800 VA (Power = 800 VA) and a power factor of 0.9 (Power Factor = 0.9).
To find the real power consumption in watts, we can use the formula:
Power (Watts) = 800 VA * 0.9 = 720 W
So, the real power consumption of the load is 720 watts.
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Watts to VA and VA to Watts Conversion Calculator
Reviewed by Author
August 04, 2023