Watts to Joules and Joules to Watts Conversion Calculator
Here, in this conversion calculator, you can convert Watts into Joules and Joules into Watts. Basically, it is a power-to-energy and energy-to-power converter.
Watts to Joules and Joules to Watts Calculator
How to Use This Calculator?
To use the "Watts to Joules and Joules to Watts Calculator," follow these steps:
1. Choose the Conversion Type:
Click the "Watts to Joules" button to convert from watts to joules.
Click the "Joules to Watts" button to convert from joules to watts.
2. Enter the Values:
For "Watts to Joules" conversion:
Enter the power value in watts in the "Enter power in watts" input field (e.g., 100).
Enter the time value in seconds in the "Enter time in seconds" input field (e.g., 10).
For "Joules to Watts" conversion:
Enter the energy value in joules in the "Enter energy in joules" input field (e.g., 500).
Enter the time value in seconds in the "Enter time in seconds" input field (e.g., 5).
3. Calculate:
Click the "Calculate" button corresponding to the conversion type you selected. The calculator will perform the conversion using the given values.
4. View the Result:
The calculated result will be displayed in the respective "Energy result in joules" or "Power result in watts" output field.
5. Reset:
If you want to reset the calculator to perform another conversion, you can click the "Reset" button, and all input fields will be cleared.
Here are the formulas used in the above calculator,
Watts to Joules Conversion:
Formula: Energy (Joules) = Power (Watts) × Time (Seconds)
Joules to Watts Conversion:
Formula: Power (Watts) = Energy (Joules) / Time (Seconds)
Let's say you want to convert 100 watts to joules.
1. Choose the "Watts to Joules" conversion.
2. Enter "100" in the "Enter power in watts" field.
3. Enter the time value, let's say "10" seconds in the "Enter time in seconds" field.
4. Click the "Calculate" button.
The result will be displayed in the "Energy result in joules" field. In this case, it will be 1000 joules.
Energy (Joules) = Power (Watts) × Time (Seconds)
Energy (Joules) = 100 × 10
Energy (Joules) = 1000
Similarly, if you want to convert 500 joules to watts:
1. Choose the "Joules to Watts" conversion.
2. Enter "500" in the "Enter energy in joules" field.
3. Enter the time value, let's say "5" seconds in the "Enter time in seconds" field.
4. Click the "Calculate" button.
The result will be displayed in the "Power result in watts" field. In this case, it will be 100 watts.
Power (Watts) = Energy (Joules) / Time (Seconds)
Power (Watts) = 500 / 5
Power (Watts) = 100
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Watts to Joules and Joules to Watts Conversion Calculator
Reviewed by Author
August 04, 2023