RLC Parallel Circuit Calculator (Impedance, Reactance and More)
Here, using this RLC Parallel Circuit Calculator, you can calculate Impedance(Z), Inductive Reactance(XL), Capacitive Reactance(XC), Phase Angle, Power Factor, Reactive Power, and many more parameters of an RLC Parallel Circuit.
RLC Parallel Circuit Calculator
(Enter Your Values. The calculator will generate the Result Automatically)
Inductive Reactance (XL):
Capacitive Reactance (XC):
Conductance (G):
Inductive Susceptance (BL):
Capacitive Susceptance (BC):
Admittance (Y):
Impedance (Z):
Current through Resistor (IR):
Current through Inductor (IL):
Current through Capacitor (IC):
Total Supply Current (I):
Power Dissipation through Resistor (QR):
Power Dissipation through Inductor (QL):
Power Dissipation through Capacitor (QC):
Power Factor (cos(φ)):
Phase Angle (φ):
Power Factor Type:
Total Active Power (P):
Total Apparent Power (S):
Total Reactive Power (Q):
Q Factor (Q):
How to Use This Calculator?
To use the above RLC Parallel Circuit Calculator, follow the below steps:
1. First of all, Enter the respective values of the circuit components in the provided input fields. You will need to input the following values,
- Inductance (L) with the selected unit (H, mH, or μH).
- Capacitance (C) with the selected unit (F, mF, μF, nF, or pF).
- Resistance (R) with the selected unit (Ω, mΩ, kΩ, or MΩ).
- Voltage (V) with the selected unit (V, mV, or kV).
- Frequency (f) with the selected unit (Hz, kHz, MHz, or GHz).
2. Once you enter the values, the calculator will automatically generate the results for various parameters related to the RLC parallel circuit and it will display the calculated results in the below result section.
3. If needed, you can change the units for the calculated results using the dropdown menus provided for each parameter.
4. The calculator will automatically update the results as you change any input values or unit selections.
Please note that the calculator is specifically designed for RLC parallel circuits, and you should use appropriate values and units for the components to get meaningful results.
Here are the formulas, the above calculator uses to calculate the various parameter of a RLC parallel circuit.
Inductive Reactance (XL):
XL = 2 * π * f * L
XL = Inductive reactance in ohms (Ω)
Ï€ (Pi) ≈ 3.14159
f = Frequency in hertz (Hz)
L = Inductance in henrys (H)
Capacitive Reactance (XC):
XC = 1 / (2 * π * f * C)
XC = Capacitive reactance in ohms (Ω)
Ï€ (Pi) ≈ 3.14159
f = Frequency in hertz (Hz)
C = Capacitance in farads (F)
Conductance (G):
G = 1 / R
G = Conductance in Siemens (S)
R = Resistance in ohms (Ω)
Inductive Susceptance (BL):
BL = 1 / XL
BL = Inductive susceptance in Siemens (S)
XL = Inductive reactance in ohms (Ω)
Capacitive Susceptance (BC):
BC = 1 / XC
BC = Capacitive susceptance in Siemens (S)
XC = Capacitive reactance in ohms (Ω)
Admittance (Y):
Y = √(G^2 + (BL - BC)^2)
Y = Admittance in Siemens (S)
G = Conductance in Siemens (S)
BL = Inductive susceptance in Siemens (S)
BC = Capacitive susceptance in Siemens (S)
Impedance (Z):
Z = 1 / Y
Z = Impedance in ohms (Ω)
Y = Admittance in Siemens (S)
Current through Resistor (IR):
IR = U / R
IR = Current through the resistor in amperes (A)
U = Voltage in volts (V)
R = Resistance in ohms (Ω)
Current through Inductor (IL):
IL = U / XL
IL = Current through inductor in amperes (A)
U = Voltage in volts (V)
XL = Inductive reactance in ohms (Ω)
Current through Capacitor (IC):
IC = U / XC
IC = Current through the capacitor in amperes (A)
U = Voltage in volts (V)
XC = Capacitive reactance in ohms (Ω)
Total Supply Current (I):
I = √(IR^2 + (IL - IC)^2)
I = Total supply current in amperes (A)
IR = Current through the resistor in amperes (A)
IL = Current through inductor in amperes (A)
IC = Current through the capacitor in amperes (A)
Power Dissipation through Resistor (QR):
QR = U * IR
QR = Power dissipation through the resistor in watts (W)
U = Voltage in volts (V)
IR = Current through the resistor in amperes (A)
Power Dissipation through Inductor (QL):
QL = U * IL
QL = Power dissipation through inductor in volt-amperes reactive (VAR)
U = Voltage in volts (V)
IL = Current through inductor in amperes (A)
Power Dissipation through Capacitor (QC):
QC = U * IC
QC = Power dissipation through the capacitor in volt-amperes reactive (VAR)
U = Voltage in volts (V)
IC = Current through the capacitor in amperes (A)
Power Factor (cos(φ)):
cos(φ) = G / Y
cos(φ) = Power factor (dimensionless)
G = Conductance in Siemens (S)
Y = Admittance in Siemens (S)
Phase Angle (φ):
φ = (180 / π) * acos(cos(φ))
φ = Phase angle in degrees (°)
Ï€ (Pi) ≈ 3.14159
cos(φ) = Power factor (dimensionless)
Power Factor Type:
If φ > 0, then the power factor is "Lagging."
If φ < 0, then the power factor is "Leading."
If φ = 0, then the power factor is "Unity."
Total Active Power (P):
P = U * I * cos(φ)
P = Total active power in watts (W)
U = Voltage in volts (V)
I = Total supply current in amperes (A)
cos(φ) = Power factor (dimensionless)
Total Apparent Power (S):
S = U * I
S = Total apparent power in volt-amperes (VA)
U = Voltage in volts (V)
I = Total supply current in amperes (A)
Total Reactive Power (Q):
Q = U * I * sin(φ)
Q = Total reactive power in volt-amperes reactive (VAR)
U = Voltage in volts (V)
I = Total supply current in amperes (A)
φ = Phase angle in degrees (°)
Q Factor (Q):
Q = R * sqrt(C / L)
Q = Q factor (dimensionless)
R = Resistance in ohms (Ω)
C = Capacitance in farads (F)
L = Inductance in henrys (H)
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RLC Parallel Circuit Calculator (Impedance, Reactance and More)
Reviewed by Author
July 26, 2023