5-Band Resistor Color Code to Value Calculator
Here, using this 5-Band Resistor Color Code to Value Calculator you can calculate the value of a resistor that has five bands or five color codes. You can calculate values in Ohms, KiloOhms, MegaOhms, and even in GigaOhms.
5-Band Color Code Resistor Value Calculator
Resistance Value:
Temperature Coefficient:
How to Use This Calculator?
To use the calculator, follow these steps:
- First of all, identify all the colors and their position in the resistor.
- Now start using the calculator by selecting a color for the first band. The options are listed in the dropdown menu under the label "Band 1". Choose the color that corresponds to the first band of your resistor.
- Next, select the color for the second band by choosing an option from the dropdown menu labeled "Band 2".
- Now choose a color for the third band. This can be done by selecting an option from the dropdown menu labeled "Band 3".
- Then, select a color for the fourth band, which represents the multiplier. This can be done by choosing an option from the dropdown menu labeled "Band 4".
- Lastly, choose a color for the fifth band, which represents tolerance. Use the dropdown menu labeled "Band 5" to select an appropriate color option.
- Once you have selected colors for all five bands, click the "Calculate" button located below the dropdown menus.
- The calculator will process the data according to the selected colors and calculate the resistance value based on the color code provided by the bands.
- The calculated resistance value will be displayed in the "Resistance Value" section in the result area.
- Additionally, the tolerance and temperature coefficient values also be displayed in their respective sections below the resistance value.
By following these steps, you can use this 5-Band Resistor Calculator to determine the resistance value of a resistor based on its color bands.
Here are the formulas, the calculator used to calculate the resistance value,
Resistance = (Color1 * 100 + Color2 * 10 + Color3) * 10^Color4
In this formula:
Color1 represents the numeric value associated with the first color band.
Color2 represents the numeric value associated with the second color band.
Color 3 represents the numeric value associated with the third color band.
Color 4 is for the Multiplier that represents the numeric value associated with the fourth color band, which indicates the power of 10 by which the calculated value should be multiplied.
Colo5 is used for tolerance. It is not directly used in the resistance value calculation. Each color has its own tolerance value. For example brown has +-1%.
Now, let's take an example to calculate the resistance value.
We assume a resistor has the color bands - Brown (color 1), Black (color 2), Red (color 3), Gold (color 4), and Brown (color 5)
Let's start solving.
We know that Brown = 1, Black = 0, Red = 2, Gold = -1
Resistance = (Color1 * 100 + Color2 * 10 + Color3) * 10^Color4
So, Resistance = (1 * 100 + 0 * 10 + 2) * 10^-1 = 120 Ω
So, the Calculated Resistance Value is 120 Ω and Tolerance is ±1%.
***Remember that when the fourth color of the five-band resistor is gold or silver, it represents a tolerance value rather than a numeric value. So in this case the calculation formula is adjusted to account for the tolerance level. Instead of directly using the fourth digit in the calculation, the tolerance is applied separately after calculating the resistance value. The third one will be the multiplier and the fifth one will be the temperature co-efficient ***
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5-Band Resistor Color Code to Value Calculator
Reviewed by Author
July 16, 2023