Most Important Electrical and Electronic Calculators
Electrical and electronic calculators play a crucial role in various applications, aiding in accurate calculations and design considerations. They help to save time for complex calculations. Here in this article, we have brought some important Online electrical and electronic calculators that might be helpful for you. These calculators serve as valuable tools for engineers, technicians, students, and hobbyists working in electrical and electronic fields. These free online electrical calculators will help you to calculate high values of electrical power, size, energy, and other calculations. And these free online electronic calculators will help you to find component sizes, circuit properties, and energy flow. They assist in designing circuits, troubleshooting, and performing various calculations for efficient and safe electrical operations.
Tap to use the following Calculators,
- Ohm's Law Calculator
- Electrical Power Calculator
- LED Resistor Calculator
- P, V, I, R Calculator
- Energy Consumption Cost Calculator
- Battery Capacity and Discharge Time Calculator
- Wire Voltage Drop Calculator
- Coil Inductance Calculator
- Watt to Amp and Amp to Watt Calculator
- KW to KVA and KVA to KW Calculator
- Single Phase Motor Capacitor Value Calculator
- Current Conversion Calculator
- Online Voltage Divider Calculator
- Online Current Divider Calculator
- (Copper/Aluminium) Wire Size Calculator in AWG and mm2
- System Power Factor Calculator with Improvement Capacitor Value
- 3-Band Resistor Color Code to Value Calculator
- 4-Band Resistor Color Code to Value Calculator
- 5-Band Resistor Color Code to Value Calculator
- 6-Band Resistor Color Code to Value Calculator
- Resistor Value to Color Code Calculator
- Wheatstone Bridge Calculator (Balanced and Unbalanced)
- Resistor Wattage(Power Rating) Calculator
- SMD Resistor Value/Code Calculator
- Series and Parallel Resistor Calculator(Add Unlimited)
- Conductor or Wire Resistance Calculator
- Voltage Regulator Calculator(Zener Diode, Series Resistor)
- Load More Calculators............
Ohm's Law Calculator
Here, in the above Ohm's Law calculator, enter any two values to get the other value. For example, when you enter the value of voltage and resistance it will show the value of current.
Ohm's Law calculation is very important for every electrical and electronic circuit. Primarily, all the circuits work according to this law. So, if we want to get a basic idea of the voltage, current, and resistance of an electrical or electronic circuit, then Ohm's Law calculator helps a lot.
The main formula of Ohm's Law is,
V = I * R
'V' is the voltage across the conductor,
'I' is the current flowing through the conductor, and
'R' is the resistance of the conductor.
We can rearrange the formula to calculate different values,
Calculate the voltage (V):
V = I * R
Calculate the current (I):
I = V / R
Calculate the resistance (R):
R = V / I
Electrical Power Calculator
DC Power Calculator
AC Power Calculator
The above Electrical Power Calculator will calculate the value of electrical power when you enter the value of voltage and current. An electrical power calculator is an essential tool for various electrical engineering tasks, energy management, circuit design, troubleshooting, and promoting safety. It enables accurate power calculations and helps in optimizing energy efficiency and electrical system performance.
The formula for calculating DC Power,
P = V*I
or, Power (W) = Voltage (V) * Current (A)
The formula for Calculating Single Phase AC Power,
Power (W) = Voltage (V) * Current (A) * Power Factor
The formula for Calculating Three Phase AC Power,
Power (W) = √3 * Voltage (V) * Current (A) * Power Factor
LED Resistor Calculator
In the above LED Resistor Calculator, you have to enter the supply voltage you have, the rated voltage of the LED, and the rated current of the LED. The calculator will give you the resistance value that can be used to connect that LED to the power supply. You just need to connect the resistor in series between the LED and Power Supply. If the resistor value given by the calculator is not available in the market then used the nearest value resistor available in the market.
The calculator uses the following formulas to calculate the led resistor value and Resistor power rating,
Resistor Value (R) = (Supply Voltage (Vs) - LED Forward Voltage (Vf)) / LED Forward Current (If)
Power Rating (W) = (Supply Voltage (Vs) - LED Forward Voltage (Vf)) * LED Forward Current (If)
P, V, I, R Calculator
In the Above P, V, I, R Calculator, you can find out the value of Power(P), Voltage(V), Current(I), and Resistance(R). We know that these all are related to each other. Here, you have to enter any three or two variables and the calculator will give the missing variables.
Here are the formulas, the above calculator using for calculating power (P), voltage (V), current (I), and resistance (R),
Power (P) calculation: P = V * I
Voltage (V) calculation: V = I * R
Current (I) calculation: I = V / R
Resistance (R) calculation: R = V / I
Energy Consumption Cost Calculator
In the above Energy Consumption Cost calculator, you can calculate the energy consumption and electricity bill or electricity cost as per your appliance's power rating and using hours. If you want to calculate the total energy consumption then enter your appliance's power rating and the using hours. If you want to calculate the energy consumption cost then enter your appliance's power rating, the use hours, and the price per unit(or 1KWh consumption). Remember, this electricity cost amount given by the calculator does not exactly match with your electricity bill as here fixed charges, penalty charges, and other additional charges are not taken into account. But using this calculation, you can get the basic or nearest electricity cost of the actual electric bill.
Here are the formulas the calculator used,
Energy Consumption Calculation:
Energy Consumed = wattage * hours / 1000
Here, Energy Consumed is the energy consumption in kilowatt-hours (kWh), wattage is the appliance wattage in watts (W), and hours are the daily usage hours.
Cost (cost) calculation:
Electricity Cost = Energy Consumed * rate(price per unit or 1 Kwh as per your country)
Note that the wattage is divided by 1000 to convert it from watts to kilowatts for consistent units in the calculations.
Battery Capacity and Discharge Time Calculator
(provide any two values)
The above Battery Capacity calculator will help you to calculate the capacity of the battery for your requirement based on current consumption and using hours. Also, it will help you to calculate the discharge hours when you know the current rating of the battery. Remember that the values given by the calculator are approximate values, not exact values because there are so many other factors that affect the battery capacity or discharging hours such as losses, efficiency, etc. But you can use these calculations by taking an extra 5% of the result. For example, if it shows a battery capacity of 25AH then you can use a 30AH battery. Similarly, if it shows the discharge time as 2 Hours then you may be sure that it will discharge in 1 hour and 45 minutes.
Here are the formulas used in the above calculator,
Battery Capacity (capacity) calculation:
capacity = current * time
where capacity is the battery capacity in ampere-hours (Ah), the current is the load current in amperes (A), and time is the discharge time in hours.
Load Current (current) calculation:
current = capacity/time
where the current is the load current in amperes (A), capacity is the battery capacity in ampere-hours (Ah), and time is the discharge time in hours.
Discharge Time (time) calculation:
time = capacity/current
where time is the discharge time in hours, capacity is the battery capacity in ampere-hours (Ah), and current is the load current in amperes (A).
Wire Voltage Drop Calculator
In the above Voltage Drop Calculator, you can calculate the voltage drop that happens in an electrical wire or conductor when you know the length of the conductor, the current flowing through the conductor, and the resistance of the conductor per meter.
Here is the formula used in the above calculator,
Voltage Drop (voltage drop) calculation:
voltage drop = length * current * resistance
where voltage drop is the voltage drop in volts (V), length is the length of the conductor in meters (m), current is the current flowing through the conductor in amperes (A), and resistance is the resistance per meter of the conductor in ohms (Ω).
Coil Inductance Calculator
The above Coil Inductance Calculator helps you to calculate the inductance of a coil when you know the radius of the coil, the number of turns of the coil, and the length of the coil.
Here is the formula, the inductance calculator used to calculate the inductance
Coil Inductance (inductance) calculation:
inductance = (radius^2 * turns^2) / (9 * length^2)
where inductance is the coil inductance in Henries (H), Radius is the radius of the coil in meters (m), turns is the number of turns in the coil, and length is the length of the coil in meters (m).
Watt to Amp/Amp to Watt Calculator
The Watt to Ampere calculator will give you the result in ampere when you enter the power and voltage values. And the Ampere to Watt calculator will give you the result in Watt when you enter the current and voltage values. Here, you can perform the calculation for Both AC and DC Power.
Here are the formulas used in the above Calculator
For DC Calculation (Watt to Amp):
The current I in amps (A) is equal to the power P in watts (W), divided by the voltage V in volts (V):
I(A) = P(W) / V(V)
For AC Calculation (Watt to Amp):
The current I in amps (A) is equal to the power P in watts (W), divided by the power factor PF times the voltage V in volts (V):
I(A) = P(W) / (PF × V(V))
For DC Calculation (Amp to Watt):
The power P in watts (W) is equal to the current I in amps (A), multiplied by the voltage V in volts (V):
P(W) = I(A) × V(V)
For AC Calculation (Amp to Watt):
The power P in watts (W) is equal to the current I in amps (A), multiplied by the power factor PF times the voltage V in volts (V):
P(W) = I(A) × (PF × V(V))
KW to KVA/KVA to KW Calculator
The above KW to KVA calculator will give the KVA value when you enter the KW value and the KVA to KW Calculator will give the KW value when you enter the KVA value. Every time you need to enter the value of the power factor also. The calculator makes the conversion between real power (KW) and apparent power (KVA) based on the power factor.
Here are the formulas used in the above calculator,
Apparent Power (KVA) = KW / Power Factor
Real Power (KW) = KVA * Power Factor
Single Phase Motor Capacitor Value Calculator(Ceiling Fan, Water Pump, etc)
In the above Single Phase Motor Capacitor Value Calculator, you can calculate the value of the capacitor for any single-phase motor such as Ceiling Fans, Water Pumps, etc. Here, you have to enter Motor Power(available on the nameplate), Efficiency(enter 75 or 80%), Motor Voltage(available on the nameplate), and Frequency(also available on the nameplate). Remember that 1 H.P = 746 Watt while if your motor is rated in H.P.
Here is the list of More Calculators
- Inductor Color Code to Value Calculator(3, 4, and 5 Band)
- Series and Parallel Inductor Calculator (Add Unlimited)
- Capacitor Color Code to Value Calculator
- Ceramic Capacitor Code to Value / Value to Code Calculator
- Series and Parallel Capacitor Calculator (Add Unlimited)
- Wire Voltage Drop Calculator for Different Materials
- Conductor Skin Effect or Skin Depth Calculator
- Series-Parallel Impedance Conversion Calculator
- Resonant Frequency Calculator
- RLC Parallel Resonance Calculator (Frequency, Bandwidth, and More)
- RLC Series Resonance Calculator (Frequency, Bandwidth, and More)
- LC Resonance Circuit Calculator (Component Rating, Frequency)
- RLC Parallel Circuit Calculator (Impedance, Reactance, and More)
- RLC Series Circuit Calculator (Impedance, Reactance, and More)
- IC 555 Timer Calculator (Astable Mode and Monostable Mode)
- Joules to Volts and Volts to Joules Conversion Calculator
- Watts to Joules and Joules to Watts Conversion Calculator
- Watts to VA and VA to Watts Conversion Calculator
- All-in-One Electrical Unit Conversion Calculator
- Watts to Volts and Volts to Watts Conversion Calculator
- Volts to Amps and Amps to Volts Conversion Calculator
- Amps to KVA and KVA to Amps Conversion Calculator
- Advance Watts to Amps and Amps to Watts Conversion Calculator
- Circuit Breaker Rating Calculator (AC/DC MCB, MCCB, and More)
- Induction Motor Current Calculator (Rated, Starting, Full Load)
- Transformer Calculator (Resistance, Turns Ratio, Current, Losses)
- Explore More 100+ Calculators
More Calculators will be updated soon........
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Most Important Electrical and Electronic Calculators
Reviewed by Author
June 03, 2023