How To Manage Your Employee’s Personal Internet Use At Workplace?
In a work environment, your employees tend to misuse the internet facility and waste time online surfing and accessing sites that may not be work-related Therefore, it is very important to manage your workplace’s internet facility and make sure that the employees do not waste much time. In this article, we will discuss why it is necessary to manage your employee’s internet use and how you can do so.
First things first, you need to understand that the internet is an important component of your workplace. Without it, none of your work gets done. Hence, it is essential that you have a reliable internet connection through which your employees can carry out their tasks smoothly. Our recommendation is to go for Xfinity internet. An added bonus is that Xfinity is one of the most widely available internet service providers in the US, so there is a possibility that it will be available in your locality. Dial the Xfinity customer service phone number for more information.
Moving on, let’s get to the subject of this article i.e. how to manage your employees’ online activities at your workplace.
Why You Need To Manage Your Employee’s Internet Use
Many employees do not know the risk and harm they cause to the company when they misuse the internet at the workplace.
Your employees tend to spend most of their working hours browsing and accessing non-work-related sites. This overall decreases their productivity as well as the company’s performance. Mostly, employees will waste their work hour time scrolling social media and even at times accessing “Not Safe For Work” websites. This resultantly brings down productivity as valuable time is wasted by employees.
Loss To Company
Eventually, if your employees are wasting their time by engaging themselves in unwanted usage of the internet during working hours, it will have an overall effect on the portfolio of the company and you will not achieve the desired result. This can be avoided if you manage their use of the internet.
Subsequently, if your employees are lagging behind due to slow output, your employees who depend on their output will not be able to work until they get the required data from them which can overall affect the progress of your workplace.
Decrease in Work Ethics
If your employees waste their time instead of focusing on their job, it creates an overall environment for the workplace. Your employees will not meet their job time and space matrix and this has a bearing on everyone. As a result, many people will find themselves contributing very less than what is required of them. This makes the other employees work less too and you will find that work ethic decreasing at your workplace.
Now that we know why it is important to restrict your employees' internet usage at the workplace. The next step is how can you manage it. You need to create a balance so that your employees know that they have to devote maximum time to the work. Whereas, it is understandable that they do need to use the internet for their personal use at times.
HR can provide guidelines to your employees on what is expected of them. While it is understandable that sites that are Not Safe For Work be completely restricted at the workplace. However, you will have to let your employees use other sites in between so they can take breaks and refresh themselves in order to perform better.
How to Manage Your Employee’s Personal Internet Use
Here are some ways you can manage the use of the internet by your employees
Clear Internet Policy
You need to establish a foolproof internet usage policy and let your employees know about them. Employees should know what is expected of them and it should be clear in your policies that all activities on the internet are not allowed. In fact, set a display notification of internet policy while your employee accessing or browsing the internet.
Monitor Employees’ Internet Use
You can use software with the help of your IT department to make sure employees do not spend an unnecessary amount of time wasting on the internet. You can limit daily usage to one hour a day in intervals.
Restrict Non-Work-Related Websites
To ensure a professional working environment, you have to restrict the work site which is detrimental to the work ethics of your company. This way not only will employees not waste their time, but they will also surf carefully and only necessarily.
Create a Dynamic Work and Leisure Environment
It cannot be ignored that your employees will need breaks from work and they will need to do their personal activities as well. Whether it is regarding online banking, shopping or just making their dinner plans. Therefore, you need to create policies and a work environment incorporating the needs of your employees as well.
Wrapping Up
To ensure that the productivity of your company is maximum and work ethics are followed, it is very necessary to implement an internet use policy. HR has to play a pivotal role so that everyone understands what is expected from them and how can they use the internet in the workplace. Regular meetings and seminars to explain to your employees the use of the internet are important. Moreover, you must not negate their personal activities completely but monitor them efficiently so you can manage their use of the internet in a better way.
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How To Manage Your Employee’s Personal Internet Use At Workplace?
Reviewed by Author
January 12, 2023