What is CCVS(Current Controlled Voltage Source)? Examples
The current-controlled voltage source is where the terminal voltage is dependent or controlled by the current flow elsewhere in the circuit. In short, it is known as CCVS. It is also a type of dependent source. In the previous article, we learned about voltage control voltage source where the terminal is voltage dependent upon the voltage elsewhere in the circuit but here the concept is different. Here, changes in current flow elsewhere in the circuit can change the terminal voltage.
Here, the current-controlled output voltage is determined by the expression, VOUT = ρIIN
Here, VOUT = Output Dependent Voltage
IIN = Input Current
ρ(rho) = Multiplying constant or efficiency of the voltage source. It is sometimes known as transresistance.
Remember that the unit of the ρ is Ohm because ρ = VOUT/IIN
Current Controlled Voltage Source(CCVS) Circuit Diagram
Here, you can see a simple and basic circuit diagram of CCVS. Here a 5V independent source is there and three resistors are available. The value of R1 = 5 ohm, R2 = 2 ohm, R3 = 8 ohm.
As you can see in the above circuit diagram the controlled voltage source depends upon the current flow through the resistor R2. This happens because when the flow of current through the resistor R2 changes it affects the current flow through other resistors also. We can assume the dependent voltage source is 2*I so if the current flow is 2A then the value of the controlled voltage source will be 4 and if the current flow is 3A then the value of the controlled voltage source will be 6.
CCVS Symbol
Here, you can see the symbol of the Current Controlled Voltage Source. It is quite different from the VCVS. Here the current flow is shown by the arrow mark.
CCVS Example
A practical example of CCVS or Current Controlled Voltage Source is OpAmp used as Transconductance. Here the output voltage is dependent on the input current. So the controlling input current Iin controls the magnitude of the output voltage. In fact, you will see there are a lot of applications of CCVS in analog electronics circuits. The CCVS concept is also used in Current to Voltage converter circuits and analog Multiplier Circuits in Current Mode.
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What is CCVS(Current Controlled Voltage Source)? Examples
Reviewed by Author
June 18, 2022