On Delay Timer | Off Delay Timer | On/Off Delay Timer

What is On Delay Timer?

on delay timer

A delay Timer is a timer that delays or takes some time(as per set) to get turned on or change its contact. On Delay implies Delayed On. For example, if we set 10 minutes on an on-delay timer then it will change its NC contact into NO and NO contact into NC after 10 minutes of providing the power supply. That means it will not be turned on instantly when we give a command, initially, it will be in off condition and after the set time it will turn On. 

On Delay Timer is very important and it is very useful if you want to turn on any device or start any electrical motor with a delay time. A basic On Delay Timer has a total of five terminals. Among these two terminals are the coil terminals that are generally named as A1 and A2. The other three terminals are Common, Normally Closed(NC), and Normally Open(NO).

What is an Off Delay Timer?

off delay timer

Off Delay timer is just opposite to the On Delay Timer. An Off Delay Timer is a timer that gets turned off or changes its contact after a preset time. Off Delay implies Delayed Off. For example, we have set 10 minutes on the off-delay timer. Now we applied a power supply to its coil for up to one minute only. But the timer will change its contacts after 10 minutes of turning off the power supply although we removed the power supply after 1 minute. That means the off delay timer is initially in the On condition and after the set time it will be turned off. 

A basic off-delay timer has a total of five terminals. Among those two terminals are the coil terminals that are named as A1 and A2. The other three terminals are Common, Normally Closed(NC), and Normally Open(NO). Off Delay Timer can be used where automatically turned off is required for any devices or machine such as an electrical motor. For water pump control, it will be very helpful.

Difference Between On Delay Timer and Off Delay Timer

The main difference between an on-delay timer and an off-delay timer is that the on-delay timer gets turned on or changes its contacts after a preset delay time of the given power supply. On the other hand, the off delay timer gets turned off or changes its contacts after a preset delay time of removing the power supply.

You may think about how to identify an on-delay timer and an off-delay timer. It is very simple if the light on the timer is identified or marked as 'ON', then it will be the on-delay timer, but if the light on the timer is identified as 'OFF', then it will be the off-delay timer.

In summary, the main difference between an On Delay timer and an Off Delay timer lies in the timing sequence. An On Delay timer introduces a delay before activating the output after the input signal is received, while an Off Delay timer introduces a delay before deactivating the output after the input signal is removed.

What is an On/Off Delay Timer?

The On/Off Delay Timer is the combination of an On Delay Timer and an Off Delay Timer. It provides both on-delay and off-delay functions. The on/off delay timer is generally used to automatically turn off and turn on any device or machine. For example, we can set time in such a way that a machine or device can turn on for 10 minutes and turn off for 15 minutes. That means the On/Off Delay continuously operates in a loop. The purpose of an On/Off Delay timer is to introduce a delay before turning on (activating) the output after an input signal is received and a separate delay before turning off (deactivating) the output after the input signal is removed.

An On/Off Delay timer can be used in lighting control systems. When the input signal, such as a motion sensor detecting movement, is received, the On Delay phase starts and introduces a delay before turning on the lights. Once the lights are activated, they remain on until the input signal is removed. When the input signal is no longer detected, the Off Delay phase begins, providing a delay before turning off the lights.

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On Delay Timer | Off Delay Timer | On/Off Delay Timer On Delay Timer | Off Delay Timer | On/Off Delay Timer Reviewed by Author on December 17, 2021 Rating: 5
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