What is Electric Pole? Types, Applications, Advantages
An electrical pole is a structure or column used to support the overhead transmission line, electric cables, telecommunication cables, equipment such as a transformer, street light, etc. The electric pole used to support the transmission line is called a transmission pole same as there are telephone poles, street light poles, power poles, telegraph poles, etc available. In this article, we are going to know different types of electric pole and their function, applications, etc. Of course, we will discuss about the poles used for the overhead power transmission system.
Electric Pole Types
Electrical poles are divided based on design structure, the material used for manufacturing, application areas, etc. Electric poles are designed along these important factors such as the mechanical strength of the pole must be able to withstand the weight of the conductor even in the heavy wind flow. Other factors such as low design cost, lightweight as much possible, low maintenance hazard, low maintenance, and handling cost, etc.
Different Types of Electric Poles are,
- Wooden Electric Pole
- PCC Electric Pole
- RCC Electric Pole
- Rail Electric Pole
- Steel Pole
- Lattice Steel Structure or Steel Tower
Remember that the above classification of electric poles is based on construction material. But the electric poles can also be classified based on structure also such as,
- Single Pole Structure
- Double Pole Structure
- Four Pole Structure
- Six Pole Structure
Wooden Electric Pole
Used for Voltage: 230V, 440V
Application Area: Rural Area
The wooden electric pole is the most cost-effective and old infrastructure. Due to the low cost and easy installation, wooden electric poles are mostly used in rural areas. There are a lot of disadvantages of wooden electric poles such as it is weaker than other types of poles and it cannot withstand long sag or span,. Also, it has less height.
The maintenance cost of the wooden poles is very high as they need to be replaced once damaged. But the wooden poles are very long-lasting. One important advantage of the wooden pole is that it provides more electrical isolation. Generally, shawl wood is commonly used for wooden poles.
The life of wooden poles is mainly reduced by the rain, locusts, moisture weather, etc. Wooden poles are used for low-tension lines only such as 230V or 440V. The wooden poles may create a very dangerous situation on rainy days when it is wet by the rainwater. Also, electrical sparking may cause a fire on the wooden pole.
PCC Electric Pole
Used for Voltage: 230V, 440V
Application Area: Rural Area, Villages, Lands
The full form of PCC is Plain Cement Concrete. This type of pole is generally designed with a height of 7 to 8 meters. PCC poles are used for 11KV, 440V, and 230V. The PCC poles are stronger than wooden poles. Of course, the cost of the PCC poles is higher than wooden poles. The main primary material of the PCC pole is cement concrete. This type of pole can withstand more span and sag than a wooden pole. PCC poles are heavier than wooden poles. This type of pole is supported by an external conductor with a stray insulator.
RCC Electric Pole
Used for Voltage: 230V, 440V, 11KV
Application Area: Villages, Suburban areas, lands
RCC Full Form is Reinforced Cement Concrete. The main difference between PCC Pole and RCC Pole is, PCC pole is made with only cement concrete whereas the RCC pole is manufactured with cement concrete with inside iron rods. This increases the tensile strength and durability of the pole. In some RCC poles, a hollow pipe is placed for the laying of earthing wire. RCC poles are used up to 33KV.
Rail Electric Pole
Used for Voltage: 11KV, 33KV
Application Area: Railway Power Transmission
Rail electric pole is the heaviest electric pole than others. It is built with a rail line or rail path iron structure. The height of the rail pole is generally 9 meters to 13 meters. Rail pole is not used for low tension lines(230V or 400V), Rail Pole is mainly used for 11KV and 33KV lines. Rail electric pole is used in railway overhead transmission systems. Rail electric poles are mainly designed for high mechanical strength, high tension, high vibration withstanding capability, etc. This is because it continues getting pressure from the rail pantograph. The manufacturing cost and installation costs of the Rail Pole are very high.
Steel Pole
Used for Voltage: 440V, 11KV, 33KV, 66KV
Application Area: Cities, Urban Areas, Near highway roads
Steel Poles are mainly structured as a rolled structure or tubular structure. Steel poles have high mechanical strength and are lightweight. Steel poles are mainly used for 33KV and above 33KV lines. Steel poles are mainly used in cities, urban areas, near highways, roads, etc. The installation and manufacturing costs of the steel poles are high. Steel poles are capable of withstanding more load, span, and sag than Wooden, PCC, and RCC Poles. Steel tubular poles also have two types - Stepped Tubular Pole and Swaged Tubular Pole.
Lattice Steel Structure or Steel Tower
Used for Voltage: 33KV, 66KV, 132KV
Application Area: Electrical power transmission system through overhead line
Steel towers are used for very high power transmission for long-distance. Generally, steel towers are used for overhead electrical power transmission systems. Steel towers are manufactured by connecting no of metal rods, plates, angles, etc. The installation of steel towers takes a long time and high cost. Steel towers have very high mechanical strength, and tensile strength, capable of more load, sag, and span. 66KV, and 132KV all are transmitted through overhead transmission lines with steel towers. The steel tower footings are generally grounded by driving rods into the earth.
What is Electric Pole? Types, Applications, Advantages
Reviewed by Author
August 05, 2021