What is Electric Heating? Types, Advantages, Applications
Hey, in this article we are going to know about electric heating. We will discuss about the electric heating process, electric heating types, methods of electric heating, electric heating advantages, and applications of electric heating. In electrical engineering, electric heating is a very large chapter and a very powerful topic. You must learn about it from the basics to advance.
What is Electric Heating?
Electric Heating is the process to convert electrical energy into heat energy. Electric heaters follow the process of electric heating which convert the flow of electric current into heat. The actual part of the electric heater that produces heat is called the heating element. Electric heating process dependent on resistance of the heating element or coil, resistivity, current flow through the heating coil, and time duration. Also, remember that an electric heater always consume a constant electric current weather it is partially heated or fully heated. That means when the maximum heat is produced then also it will consume the same current.
How electric heating process works?
The working principle of the electrical heating process is very simple. Every heating elements of the heating coil have a resistance. So when the electric current flowing through the heating element or resistors, heat is produced due to the Joule's effect.
The production of heat depends upon the value of resistance, magnitude of the current flow, and the time duration of the flowing current. If the resistance is more and other quantities are constant the heat production will be more. Same, if the current flow is more and other quantities are constant the heat production will be more. Same, if the time duration is more and other quantities are less the heat production will be more. The electric heater does not affects the power factor of the supply.
Electric Heating Types
Here are the different methods and types of electric heating,
- Power Frequency Heating Methode
- High-Frequency Heating Methode
Power Frequency Heating has two types,
- Resistance Heating
- ARC Heating
Resistance Heating is classified into two types,
- Direct Resistance Heating
- Indirect Resistance Heating
- Infrared or Radiant Heating
The ARC heating is also classified into two types,
- Direct ARC Heating
- Indirect ARC Heating
High-Frequency Heating Classified into two types,
- Induction Heating
- Dielectric Heating
Induction heating is further classified into two types,
- Direct Induction Heating
- Indirect Induction Heating
Electric Heating Advantages
There are a lot of advantages of electric heating such as follows,
1. Economical
The main advantage of Electric Heating is its economical design and process. The electric heating arrangements such as electric boilers, electric heaters, electric furnaces are very cheaper in design than other heating arrangements. The operation, handling, and maintenance cost are also very low than others.
2. Easy Operation and Control
The operation and controlling of electric heating systems are very easy and simple. Here no more manpower is required for the operation and control. By controlling the flow of current we can control everything. So, using some electrical circuits and switches we can easily operate and control the temperature, time duration, etc.
3. Protection System
It is very easy to give a protection system to the electric heating system using a switchgear system. So, overheating protection, emergency stop, overcurrent protection, flashing protection, protection against unwanted heat transfer, etc are very easy to provide with the electric heating system.
4. Absence of Ash or Dust
In the electric heating system, there is no ash or dust produced. So, it is a fully cleaned system. And the cleaning cost is also very low. Electric heating does not cause any pollution.
5. Efficiency
The efficiency of the electrical heating system is very high than other systems. And the heat produced by the electricity can be utilized 80 to 100 percent. Whereas the heat produced by the gas, oil, or any solid fuels can be utilized up to 60 percent only. In the electric heating system, there is no unwanted heat transfer or heat spreading happens. Here, heat can be applied to the exact point where heating is required.
Applications of Electric Heating
1. Domestic Applications
For domestic or daily household purposes electric heating system is used for cooking, room heating, drying, etc. Electric ovens, electric heaters, electric dryers, etc are the applications of electric heating.
2. Industrial Applications
In large engineering industries, food industries, textile industries, everywhere the application of electric heating is very much. In food industries, electric heating is used for baking, frying, food preparing, food processing, etc. In heavy engineering or mechanical industries, electric heating is used for molding, metal processing, etc.
3. Other Applications
In other applications such as temperature and humidity control in a building, planting in cold areas, hotels, restaurants, etc the electric heating system is used.
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What is Electric Heating? Types, Advantages, Applications
Reviewed by Author
August 10, 2021