What is TFA in HVAC? Use, Advantages, Block Diagram
TFA full form Treated Fresh Air. TFA is a very useful and important device or part of an HVAC system. The main objective of an HVAC system is to provide heating, ventilation, and air conditioning in a particular building, workspace, or store. The TFA is also a part of an HVAC system that provides air conditioning, air filtration, and air circulation facilities. Modern manufacturing industries, food industries, and medical storage facilities use TFAs as advanced components or parts of HVAC systems.
What is TFA(Treated Fresh Air)?
TFA is a device that takes air from the outside environment and filters it then provides it inside a room or workspace. TFA is also known as the Fresh Air Handling Unit(FAHU). Because it circulates air inside a room by taking fresh air from the outside of the room whereas an AHU(Air Handling Unit) circulates only the existing air inside a room. TFAs are also designed with cooling and heating coils to provide cooling and heating in a room. This means when chilled water flows through its cooling coils then the room gets cooled and when hot water flows through its heating coils then the room gets hot.
TFA Block Diagram
See the below block diagram of TFA in the below diagram to easily understand the working and function of TFA or Treated Fresh Air.
You can see in the above diagram a TFA has mainly three important parts - an Air Filter, Heating and Cooling Coils, and a circulating Fan.
Air Filter
The main function of the Air filter in a TFA is to filter the air coming from the outside. It removes dust particles and other harmful particles from the air.
Heating and Cooling Coil
In the coil section of a TFA, there are two types of coils are used. Heating coils are designed to carry hot water inside and cooling coils are designed to carry chilled water inside.
Air Circulating Fan
It is connected to an electric motor and it helps to suction the air from the outside and force the air to circulate inside a room.
Read Also: What is AHU in HVAC? Use, Advantage, Diagram
How TFA Works?
The working of a TFA is very simple. When a TFA is running condition air comes from the outside and flows through the air filters. Then the filtered air goes through the heat exchanger or heating cooling coils. Then the heated or cooled air flows to the room inside. Modern TFAs come with many sensors, Solenoid valves, and automation systems. This helps the TFA to automatically control the speed of the fan or automatic opening and closing of the water valves to save electricity and maintain a constant temperature and humidity inside a room.
TFA Use and Applications
1. TFA is used to provide fresh air inside a room.
2. TFA is used to provide cooling and heating inside a room.
3. TFA has applications in food manufacturing industries, medicine manufacturing and storing industries, chemical manufacturing industries, hospitals, hotels, kitchens, Server Storing, etc.
TFA Advantages and Disadvantages
1. TFA is a new technology in the HVAC system that requires low maintenance, have high efficiency, compact design, etc.
2. TFA provides air conditioning with fresh air circulation. Both temperature and humidity can be controlled by the TFA.
3. TFA can work with an HVAC automation system with temperature monitoring, and remote controlling.
4. One important disadvantage of TFA is it must be used with an exhaust system because it takes air from the outside and puts it into the inside which increases the air pressure inside the room. So an exhaust is required that can remove the excess air from the room to maintain the proper air pressure level.
Read Also:
What is TFA in HVAC? Use, Advantages, Block Diagram
Reviewed by Author
March 07, 2021