Difference between Motor Driver and Motor Controller with Example
In most of the electronics projects or robotic applications, motor drivers and motor controllers have very important roles. There are many confusions while choosing a motor driver and controller. First of all, the most confusing question is what is the actual difference between Motor controller and Motor driver? Where we should use a motor controller and motor driver. So in this article, we are going to discuss the actual difference between motor driver and motor controller with examples and diagrams.
What is Motor Driver?
In simple words, a Motor Driver is an electronic circuit or device that drives the electrical motor by providing proper electrical power to that motor. The motor driver is mainly responsible to provide enough electrical energy(voltage and current) to the motor to gain proper speed, and torque as per requirement.
Motor drivers are generally made of power semiconductor devices such as SCRs, IGBTs, MOSFETs, etc. A Motor driver needs two inputs and a single output. This means the output of the motor driver is connected to the motor is to be rotated. The main power supply and the control signal from the motor controller are the two inputs for a motor driver.
So the motor driver takes control signals from the motor controller and controls the motor with the help of the main power supply. Motor driver is directly connected with the motor and main power supply. Motor driver operates with high voltage and carrying motor full load current.
Function of Motor Driver
1. The main function of a motor driver is to provide enough electrical power to the motor to gain torque, and speed as per requirement.
2. Motor Driver can control the direction of rotation of the motor. In that case, the motor driver is used as a motor controller although a motor controller has so many functions.
3. Some motor drivers can control the speed of the motor.
Example of Motor Driver
The best example of a motor driver is the 'H' Bridge Circuit. 'H' Bridge circuit can be made using the semiconductor devices - SCR, MOSFET, or IGBT. The 'H' Bridge circuit can control the speed, direction of rotation of a high-powered motor using a control signal in its gate terminals of the semiconductor devices.
'H' bridge circuit also can be a motor controller as it can control the speed and direction of the motor but when it is used with any other motor controller such as a microcontroller, then it used as a motor driver only.
What is Motor Controller?
A motor controller is a device or electronic circuit responsible for full motor control such as torque control, speed control, direction control, and feedback from the motor.
Yes, when only a motor driver is used without any motor controller for controlling a motor then it also can be called a motor controller.
In real, a motor controller does so much work such as it can take one or more inputs from USB, sensors, feedback circuits, keypads, etc, and process them. Finally, it creates a control signal to control the motor through the motor driver.
Function of Motor Controller
1. It takes multiple inputs from different input devices and peripheral devices to take instructions on how the motor is to be controlled, then it creates a control signal to control the motor.
2. Motor controller is responsible for controlling precisely the torque, speed, and direction of the motor.
3. Motor controller can take feedback signals from the motor to see the running status of the motor and process those feedback signals for further control.
4. Motor controller executes all programs and software for controlling the motor.
Example of Motor Controller
The examples of a motor controller, be a microcontroller, Raspberry Pi, etc. In all the automatic or programmatic motor control systems, these devices are used.
Motor Driver VS Motor Controller
1. The main difference between a motor controller and a motor driver is, the motor controller is responsible for the controlling speed, torque, the direction of the motor whereas a motor driver is responsible to provide enough electrical power to the motor as per requirement.
2. A motor controller can take multiple input signals from different input devices and can process them. A motor driver cannot take input signals from multiple sources, and cannot process any signal. It only works as per instructions given by the motor controller.
3. A motor controller can receive feedback signals from the motor and can process them for further control whereas a motor driver cannot do this work.
4. A motor driver can be used as a motor controller where just basic controlling is required but a motor controller cannot be used as a motor driver.
5. Motor Driver doesn't need any programming or almost zero programming whereas the Motor controller needs programming or software for its operation.
Interfacing of Motor Driver with Motor Controller
When interfacing a motor driver with a motor controller, it is very important to match their electrical specifications to each other.
A motor controller is to be selected according to which type of control you want, how much input, and peripheral devices you want to connect.
On the other hand, the motor driver is to be selected according to the type of motor, motor power ratings, motor terminal, etc.
At last, the output of the motor controller and the input of the motor driver must be matched properly. They should have the same communication protocol. A complete motor control system having various operation and controls built with both motor driver and motor controller.
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Difference between Motor Driver and Motor Controller with Example
Reviewed by Author
January 28, 2021