[Proper] Ceiling Fan Connection with Regulator, Switch and Capacitor

Today we are going to know the proper ceiling fan connection. Here you will know the connection of ceiling fan with a regulator, switch, and Capacitor. Many people do not know how to connect a capacitor to a ceiling fan. So here we will discuss how to find the terminals of the ceiling fan for connecting a capacitor.

How to connect a capacitor with a ceiling fan?

There are two windings in the ceiling fan, one is running winding and another is starting winding. We must connect the capacitor in series with the starting winding and then it connected across the power supply. On the other hand, the running winding is to be connected directly across the power supply.

So first of all, we need to identify the starting winding and running winding.  Here the figure is given to better understand.

Connection of ceiling fan with capacitor, ceiling fan connection

As you see in the above the ceiling fan has three terminals wire outside, red,  black, and blue. Generally, most of the ceiling fan has three wires outside. You can also see in the winding connection of the ceiling fan, that one terminal of each winding is connected together and it brought outside as a common wire. We can identify the winding terminals by measuring resistance. You can identify the terminals of any ceiling which has different colors using this method.

Suppose in this case we have measured the resistance between,

1.      Red and Black wire: 210 ohm
2.      Red and Blue: 220 ohm
3.      Blue and Black: 500 ohm

So as the resistance between blue and black is the highest so these are the terminals of running and starting winding. So the rest red terminal is common which is connected with both windings.

We know that the resistance of starting winding is greater than running winding. So as the resistance between Red and blue is greater than red and black, it is sure that blue is the terminal of starting winding and black is the running winding terminal.

Now, once you identified the terminals of the ceiling connect the capacitor between running and starting winding as shown in the above diagram.

Ceiling Fan Connection

Here you can see the connection of the ceiling fan with the regulator and switch. Connect first the switch in series, then connect the regulator, and then connect the ceiling fan.

ceiling fan connection, connection of ceiling fan

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[Proper] Ceiling Fan Connection with Regulator, Switch and Capacitor [Proper] Ceiling Fan Connection with Regulator, Switch and Capacitor Reviewed by Author on May 17, 2019 Rating: 5
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