Electrical Wiring Diagram and Electrical Circuit Diagram Difference

The electrical Wiring Diagram and Electrical Circuit Diagram both are different, they are not the same. Both are widely used in Electrical Engineering for different purposes for their own advantages. Today we are going to know What is the Electrical Wiring Diagram, what is the Electrical Circuit Diagram, and the difference between Wiring Diagram and Circuit Diagram. Remember that the electrical circuit diagram is also known as the Electrical Schematic Diagram.

What is the Electrical Wiring Diagram?

The electrical diagram that shows the practical connection, position, and layout of each electrical appliance and all parts of an electrical installation is called the Electrical Wiring Diagram.

So the wiring diagram shows the actual connection of each appliance with proper layout. An electrical wiring diagram of a switchboard, two lamps, and a fan is given below.

Electrical Wiring Diagram, Wiring Diagram, Example of Electrical Wiring Diagram

As you see in the above diagram, it shows the actual connection of lamps, fan, and switchboard. It is a simple wiring diagram that is given only to convince you. The actual wiring diagram contains the proper layout and distance between each component.

What is an Electrical Circuit Diagram?

The electrical diagram that is used to explain the working and operation of an electrical circuit and it is easy to understand is called the Electrical Circuit Diagram

The circuit diagram does not show the practical connection between the components or their position. A circuit diagram contains only symbols and lines and shows the simple connections of components.
The electrical circuit diagram is also called a Schematic Diagram.

Here an electrical circuit diagram of two lamps, a fan, and switches are given below.

Example of Electrical Circuit Diagram or Schematic Diagram

As you see in the above figure, the circuit diagram contains only the symbols and lines and it shows the simple connection between components.

Read the below differences to know more about the wiring diagram and circuit diagram.

Difference between Wiring Diagram and Circuit Diagram

Wiring Diagram
Circuit Diagram
The wiring Diagram shows the actual practical connection between electrical appliances and components.
Circuit Diagram just shows the simple connection between components it does not show the practical connection.
The wiring diagram gives the layout of the wiring.
The circuit diagram does not give the layout of the wiring.
Wiring Diagram shows the actual position of components and also shows the distance between components.
A circuit diagram or schematic diagram does not show the position and distance of components.
There are mainly two types of wiring diagrams used, one is the single-line diagram and another is the multiline diagram.
Circuit diagrams or schematic diagrams are not classified into single-line or multiline diagrams.
A wiring Diagram is mainly used to know, how connections are actually made.
The circuit diagram is used to understand the working and operation of an electrical circuit.
Wiring diagrams are used by technicians who are working in the field.
Engineers use the circuit diagram to convey the operation of a circuit to other engineers.
The wiring diagram may not contain all the straight lines for the indication of conductors.
There is always a straight line is used to represent the conductors.
Generally, the wiring diagram is drawn after the circuit diagram.
A circuit diagram or schematic diagram is drawn first to understand the operation then a wiring diagram is drawn of that schematic diagram.

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Electrical Wiring Diagram and Electrical Circuit Diagram Difference Electrical Wiring Diagram and Electrical Circuit Diagram Difference Reviewed by Author on May 18, 2019 Rating: 5
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