Active and Passive Components Definition, Examples, Differences

Active and Passive Components are the classification of the electronic component according to the energy required for their operation. In this article, we will discuss the definition of Active Component, the definition of Passive Component, Active component examples, passive component examples and the difference between Active and Passive Components.

Active and Passive Components

Active and Passive Components Definition

Here the definition of Active Component,

Active Component: The electronic component which needs an external power supply for its operation is called  Active Component.


1.      They need an external power supply or biasing for their operation.
2.      Most of the Active Component can amplify the electrical signal.
3. The voltage-current characteristics of the Active is non linear.

Here the definition of Passive Component,

Passive Component: The electronic component which does not need any external power supply for its operation or they only pass the electric current is called Passive Component.


1.      They do not need any external power supply for their operation.
2.      They cannot amplify the electrical signal.
3. In most of the cases, the voltage-current characteristics of the passive component is linear.

Active and Passive Components Examples

There are many examples of active and passive components. Some examples are given below.

Active Component Examples: Diode, Transistor, SCR, TRIAC, Triode, etc.

Passive Component Examples: Resistor, Inductor, Capacitor, etc.

Difference Between Active and Passive Components

Active Component
Passive Component
Active component needs external power supply for their operation.
Passive does not need external power supply for their operation.
Most of the active components can amplify power.
Passive components cannot amplify power.
There are very low loss occurs in active component.
Passive components such as resistors create huge power losses.
Most of the active components such as diode, transistors allow the flow of current in one direction only.
There mainly three passive components which are resistor, inductor, and capacitor. All of them allow the flow of current in both directions.
The examples of the active component are diode, transistor, SCR, etc.
The examples of the passive component are resistor, inductor, and capacitor.
Active components are can be used for switching purpose.
Passive components cannot be used for switching purpose.
Most of the active components are semiconductor device.
Passive components are not semiconductor devices.

Applications of Active and Passive Components

Active and Passive component both are widely used in electrical circuits as well as electronic circuits. Some applications are given below.

Active Components Applications

1.      An active component such as PN Junction Diode is used to convert AC to DC, used as a freewheeling diode, etc.
2.      There is a huge application of Transistor in the electronics field. They used for amplifying and switching purpose.
3.      SCRs are used in controlled rectifier circuits, Inverter circuits, Chopper Circuits, speed control of DC Motor.
4.      Active components such as DIAC, TRIAC are used in light dimmer circuits, speed control of the motor, etc.

Passive Components Applications

1.      Resistors are used to control the flow of current in electrical and electronic circuits. They are also used as heating elements in some devices.
2.      Capacitors are used for power factor control, filter circuits, used as a transducer, etc.
3.      Inductors are used in filter circuits, power factor control for capacitive load, current limiting elements, Relay, etc.

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Active and Passive Components Definition, Examples, Differences Active and Passive Components Definition, Examples, Differences Reviewed by Author on May 20, 2019 Rating: 5
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