Advantages and Disadvantages of Computer full explanation
There are no people in the world who do not listen about computers. The modern era cannot continue without the computer. This discovery of computers by the human is not less than magic. As we know that everything in the world has both advantages and disadvantages. So the Computer also has great advantages and also some disadvantages.
The advantages of the Computer are calculations, computing, communication, research, learning, etc. These are the main advantages of the computer.
The disadvantages of the computer are the addiction, cyber crimes, unemployment, health problems etc. These are the main disadvantages of the computer.
Now let's go to know the advantages and disadvantages of computer in details.
What are the advantages of the Computer?
Computing and Calculation:
The most important advantage of the computer is computing and calculation. In fact, the computer is discovered from the concept of the calculator. INTEL first made a 4-bit microprocessor to design a calculator. After many improvements ultimately the computer was discovered.
The computer helps us to solve the big calculations. We cannot solve big calculations accurately in a short time. But if we have a computer then we can easily solve the big calculations in a very short time.
Actually, the term COMPUTER comes from computing.
The second most important advantage of the computer is communication. The concept of interconnection of the computers made the INTERNET. The computer is a fundamental element of the INTERNET. We know that the INTERNET is the king of the communication system.When the INTERNET was discovered it could not be accessed by the phone, only can access by the computers. So the computer has a very important role in the communication system. We can easily communicate with any person around the world using E-Mail, Facebook, WhatsApp etc.
Fast Work:
The main difference between the human and the computer is that the computer can fast work not smart work. But humans can smartly work not fast work. The computer only does the work whose instruction is given but it can work very fastly.
Nowadays we use a computer to do much work fast. The computer saves our time as well as money.
The advantage of Computer in Accounting:
The computer helps us in accounting related works. The accuracy of the computerized accounting system is very high. There is no possibility of human error.The computer helps to fast the entire accounting process. The other advantages of the computer in the accounting system are automation, reliability, cost-effective, security etc.
Storing Information:
The computer is very useful to store huge amounts of information. If we physically store any information it may be lost or wasted but if we store on the computer it will be saved for a long time. We can store documents, pictures, movies, videos, and many other data and information on the computer.
The finding of the documents, data on the computer is very easy but in the case of physical storing we have to put more effort to find the documents, etc.
Advantages in Education system:
The computer has an important role in the education system. Students can easily do their projects work on a computer. Students can get much information from the internet through the computer about their education. Nowadays there is a big facility for reading online books. The computer helps to both the teacher and student. Students can get coaching online easily and attend tuition seating from home. Teachers can easily teach from home.
Design and Architecture:
By using the computer we can easily draw any images or designs. The computer helps us to draw the Architecture of buildings, machines, etc. Here we have no need for paper, pens, pencils, etc. After drawing the designs, and images, Architecture can be printed easily and we get them physically.Editing and Customization:
The computer has a very good facility for editing images, videos etc. We can easily edit any image to make it attractive. Video editing facility is also very helpful for us. We can make easily create any animation on the computer.
The computer helps us to make payments for electricity bills, gas bill, water bills from our home. Online payment system saves our time and money. Online shopping also saves our money as well as time. We can easily do these works from our home.Advantages of the computer in banking, transportation, tracking systems:
Nowadays many countries are converting into the cashless economy system. So the working procedure of banks also converts into online baking. Online banking facility helps us to track our balance, transactions by using the computer or smartphones from home. We can easily send and receive money using the computer and smartphones from home.In transportation system computers are widely used. In the tracking system, police use the computers.
Advantages of the computer in business:
The computer is very useful to grow your business. For accounting purpose, you have to need computers. For storing information, advertisement, and security purposes computers are needed. The computer can increase your productivity. The automation system, product quality checking, counting, development etc also depended on the computer.Knowledge and Information:
To gathering knowledge and information computer is very helpful. You can get unlimited information and knowledge from the INTERNET. By using the computer we can get the latest news, information on the INTERNET. You will not only get the information on the internet you can also share information, knowledge through the computer on the internet. So computer helps us to gather and also share information and knowledge on the internet.
Opportunities for making money:
The computer helps us to earn money online as well as offline. First of all, if you have good knowledge on the computer you can earn money by giving training other people about the computer and can open a computer center. This is big opportunities.
Nowadays computers are available most of the houses. So if you have knowledge of computer repairing then you can earn money easily.
You can earn unlimited money through the computer online from seating at home. There are many ways available for earning money online. You can earn money from blogging, youtube, affiliate marketing, online jobs etc
Advantages of Computer in Research:
As I told you earlier that the computer discovered from the concept of the calculator. In the early day's computer was very costly they only used for research purpose. Nowadays computer available for every people. In research, purpose computers are used for calculation, the information storing etc. So the computer has a very important role in research purpose.Medical Industry:
In the medical industry, the use of computers is increasing. Computerize operations, surgery can give more accuracy. There are many smart and automatic machines come in the medical industry which is controlled by the computers.
Playing virtual games, watching movies, videos on the computer you can entertain yourself.
The other advantages of the computer are Prepare official documents, making presentations, distance learning, getting weather reports, the better understanding of data, maintain a good relationship, improvement of abilities, increasing efficiency of any system, advertisement, data security, multitasking etc.
What are the disadvantages of the Computer?
One of the most important disadvantages of the computer is the addiction. Nowadays in most of houses computer available. From children to young generations all are addictive on the computer. Many children spent a long time of the day with the computer by playing games, watching movies etc. As a result, communication power decreases. Children, as well as teenagers, waste their important time with the computer.
Unemployment is a markable disadvantage of the computer. After coming of the computer unemployment problems increases. Nowadays most of the industries upgrade their total working procedure to the automation system. The computer can save time and money but it decreases the employment. Now Artificial Intelligence comes in the fashion, this also reduces the employment.
Weaks the human brain:
As most of the people, students are depended on the computer for their works, education, projects. People stop thinking and do most of the work with the help of the internet. As a result, the human brain becomes weak. The ability of creativity also decreases.
Reduce physical activity is the disadvantage of the computer:
The computer reduces our physical activity. Nowadays people do not want to play outdoor games. They enjoying virtual games. As a result, people are becoming unbelievably lazy and physically inactive.
Effect of use of the computer in health:
The use of the computer increases our health problems. A longtime work with the computer increases our health issues, our body becomes unhealthy. A longtime seating in front of the computer can damage our eye. Poor blood circulation is also an important disadvantage of the computer. the other health issues are body-ache, headache, insomnia etc.
Changes in human behavior:
The use of computer changes the behavior of human. People become angry and go to the depression. This can effect in relationships, health. The use of the computer, social networking decreases our ability to face to face communication. This effect is very harmful to children and teenagers.
The use of computers becomes very easy. The cybercrimes also increasing. Hacking, online robbery, blackmail also increases due to increasing of use of the computer.
Privacy issues:
People so much addicting with social networking. Therefore people sharing their personal information on the internet. The sharing of personal information on the internet can create privacy issues. There are many frauds available on the internet. Once they have your personal information, they could disturb you and steal your money and create many other problems.
Effect in markets:
The use of computer and smartphones increasing very quickly. As the use of computers and smartphones becomes easy people do not want to go to the market to buy something. Online shopping habits create losses in physical markets. Nowadays almost all thing can be purchased from seating at home through online shopping.
Trolls and abuse:
Trolls and abuse also increasing with the increase of use of the computer, smartphones, internet, social networking etc. People so much addictive with the internet they sharing more and more information on the internet. This also increases trolls and abuse.
Losing data and Virus:
There is a tendency of losing data, hacking etc. Any frauds can send viruses, malware etc with our E-mail which can damage our computer.
Visual and physical learning:
Visual learning is the best learning procedure. We will get huge information from the internet, but it is very bad for especially education system. Online coaching, tuition is a very bad procedure for the education system. A good relationship between teacher and student can be possible only in the physical education system.
The effect in Teenagers:
Teenagers are more addictive on the internet, social networking. They waste their important time. The computer and internet can be carried away from their main goal. They also become sexually addictive for using computer and internet. This is an important disadvantage of the user of the computer.
The other disadvantages of the computer are less human interactions, interaction with bad peoples, negative effect on the environment etc.
So the computer has both advantage and disadvantage. We must use it carefully. We must use it only for requirements. We should not enjoy virtual games. We must play outdoor games as possible. We must communicate with the nearest people face to face instead of social networking, online chats.
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Advantages and Disadvantages of Computer full explanation
Reviewed by Author
December 28, 2018