Bipolar Output Full Wave Bridge Rectifier with Center Tapped Transformer.
Full Wave Bridge Rectifier with Center Tapped Transformer.
Today we are going to learn Full Wave Bridge Rectifier with Center Tapped Transformer and also Full Wave Rectifier Circuit Diagram. Let's start from the basics of Rectifier.
Do you know What is a Rectifier? A rectifier is a Circuit that converts Alternating Current(AC) into Direct Current(DC).
There are mainly two types of the rectifier
(1) Half-Wave Rectifier
(2) Full-Wave rectifier
A Half-Wave rectifier circuit can be made by using one PN Junction Diode.
A Full Wave Rectifier circuit can be made by the following two-way-
- Using Two PN Junction Diodes and a Center Tapped Transformer.
- Using Four PN Junction Diodes and a normal transformer.
Today our main topic is Full-Wave Rectifier with Center Tapped Transformer. But if you do not know how to make half-wave and Full-wave rectifiers which are mentioned above I will help you. So before going to our main topic Let's see the below Circuit Diagrams.
Half-wave rectifier circuit Using one PN Junction Diode:
Full Wave Rectifier Circuit Using Two PN Junction Diode and a Center Tapped Transformer:
Full Wave Rectifier Circuit Using Four PN Junction Diodes and a Step-Down Transformer:
Now Let's go to know our main Topic. You can see the Full-Wave Rectifier Circuits which are shown above have a Unipolar output which means they can only give Positive Voltage Supply.
Actually, to get Bipolar Output(Positive and Negative both voltage supplies) we need to make a Full Wave Bridge Rectifier Circuit with Center Tapped Transformer.
Now you may have a question in your mind why we need both positive and negative both power supplies? The answer is in analog circuits many components are there which require both positive and negative both power supply like an Operational Amplifier and many others.
Full Wave Bridge Rectifier Circuit with Center Tapped Transformer:
As you see in the above diagram we have taken a center-tapped transformer of 6V - 0 -6V rating. We will get +6V voltage across the 'A' and 'C' terminals and we will get -6V voltage across 'B' and 'C' terminals and the +12V voltage across the 'A' and 'B' terminals.
Read Also:
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Bipolar Output Full Wave Bridge Rectifier with Center Tapped Transformer.
Reviewed by Author
November 07, 2018