What is the use of loop out port in Set Top Box

Are you know What is the use of the loop-out port in Set Top Box?

What is the use of  loop out port in Set Top Box, Loop out port in set top box, loop ot port

You may notice a loop-out port is given in most of the set-top boxes. So let’s know why it is given.

       It is basically a signal splitter for another tuner or another set-top box. When you connect the signal cable to the loop-in or cable-in port then the set-top box splits the signal and gives it to the loop-out port. So you can easily connect another set-top box without cutting the main signal cable.

Another advantage of this port is amplifying. It is explained below.

             Every Set-top box has a limit of receiving signals. Every set-top box has a minimum signal limit at which the set-top box can run. So if you connect many set-top boxes by cutting the main cable, the strength of the signal becomes low and your set-top box does not run properly, it shows an error. But when you connect many set-top boxes through the Loop Out Port one by one, the set-top box amplifies the signal, as a result, all set-top boxes run properly.

            Suppose your set-top box can run at the minimum signal of 100 dB and your main signal also is of 100db. So in this situation, if you connect another set-top box then the main signal becomes weak, and the set-top box cannot be run. But if you connect another set-top box through the loop-out port it will be run because the set-top box amplifies the signal.
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What is the use of loop out port in Set Top Box What is the use of  loop out port in Set Top Box Reviewed by Author on October 14, 2018 Rating: 5
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