Change the direction of rotation of 9V DC motor easily
Change the direction of rotation of 9V DC motor easily.
Now you can easily change the rotation of the direction of any permanent magnet DC motor. Here, we will learn how to make a DC Motor Reversal Circuit using SPST Toggle Switches. The circuit diagram is given below. In the below circuit diagram two SPDT toggle switches are used. You can use Two-way switches instead of SPDT Toggle switches. In the below circuit a 9V DC motor is used but you can use any permanent magnet DC motor.Apparatus Used in the below circuit,
1. 9V Battery (1 Piece)
2. SPDT Toggle Switches (2 Piece)
3. 9V Permanent magnet DC motor.
According to the below circuit diagram when both switches at the B position the motor will be run Clockwise.
According to the below circuit diagram when both switches at A position the motor will be run anti-clockwise.
When the switches are not in the same position the motor will be not run.
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Change the direction of rotation of 9V DC motor easily
Reviewed by Author
October 14, 2018